Emad Khan

"Thought Trails"

Story of Non-Existence

Experience, Change and Self.
Each of the three exist forever in closed self referential loops without beginning or end.
Each write the Story of Non-Existence.

Their negation is an illusion, a trick in language.
Each articulates it's negation with a self referential mechanism.
In doing so, it necessarily re-creates that which it tries to destroy ad infinitum.

An Inescapable Tautology.

"No Experience" is also an experience to be Experienced.

"No Change" is also a change from constant Change.

"No Self". What is that?
Is it Other? Is it Death?
The Unknown? Which is it?
Or are they the same?

Who are you?
You are the story who has forgotten it is The Story.

What is the end of this story?
To be told as a story.

Is there an end to The Story?


How could there be? That would be just another Story.